Reconnection: Developing the organisation’s encounter with the outside world



To develop the organisation in relation to its environment with the central, regenerative concept of ‘reconnection’, it is crucial to create a deep understanding of mutual interdependence and solidarity with all living beings. Here are three areas that can help strengthen the organisations encounter with the environment and develop the organisation in a regenerative direction:

1. Strengthening stakeholder – engagement and dialogue

First and foremost, stakeholders can be involved as an integral part of the organisation’s decision-making processes. One can identify and understand the various stakeholders’ needs, perspectives and expectations. Additionally, frequent dialogues, workshops and advisory meetings can be conducted to create an open and rewarding platform for dialogue, collaboration and interaction.

The organisation can demonstrate genuine interest in stakeholders’ viewpoints and adjust its strategy and practices accordingly. This can foster an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect, where the organisation and its environment can work together to create shared solutions and lasting results.

2. Transparency and communication

It is crucial to practice openness and honesty in the organisation’s communication with the outside world. This can be achieved by sharing information about the organisation’s goals, achievements, challenges and regenerative initiatives. The organisation can utilize various communication channels such as social media, reports and meetings to disseminate messages widely.

It is important for the organisation to demonstrate its commitment to regeneration through actions, not just words. The organisation should be transparent about the progress made and areas still requiring improvement. This will strengthen trust in the organisation and its willingness to make a positive impact.

3. Active collaboration and partnerships

Finally, the organisation can actively seek collaboration and partnerships with other organisations, NGOs, authorities, as well as civil and local communities. It can foster collaboration across sectors to develop common solutions in climate, biodiversity, social inequality and regenerative development as a whole. This can lead to innovative solutions and a more holistic approach to problem-solving.

These partnerships can amplify the organisation’s impact and create a sense of mutual dependence across sectors and communities. This is achieved by striving to establish long-term partnerships that go beyond short-term gains and are based on mutual respect and shared goals.

By employing these approaches and tools, an organisation can develop a deep connection with its environment and be dedicated to making a positive impact on the world.

The central regenerative concept of ‘reconnection’ thus encourages viewing the organisation as part of a larger ecosystem, where collaboration and understanding are key to building a better world. It is an investment in a regenerative future where organisations and their environments work together to build a more fair and regenerative world.

Når vi hjælper med at etablere og udvikle regenerative organisationer hos vores kunder, tager vi udgangspunkt i to grundlæggende principper hentet fra naturen, for at
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