Regenerative leadership
1-year leadership training with certification

The future leaders are regenerative – and the future is now
Take Promentums 1-year leadership program and become certified in regenerative leadership.
In this program, you will learn to create the conditions for life and professional liberation through your personal leadership. We introduce you to the regenerative leadership and organisational paradigm and you will work intensively with a multitude of regenerative aspects. You will learn the theory and practical methods to regenerative leadership and develop a new and more regenerative leadership practice. Additionally, you will learn to implement and support regenerative organisational development processes. And you will be guided by the best.
Over the past five years, Promentum has been at the front of researching, exploring and integrating the concepts of the regenerative paradigm. This paradigm is divided into two directions- a nature-romantic and a sociocultural approach. Promentum represents the sociocultural approach, meaning that the program does not focus on nature excursions. Instead, we bring principles from natural ecosystems into organisational ecosystems to make organisations more vibrant.
From being a uncharted territory, the regenerative paradigm is now a topic that many are curious about and eager to explore more deeply. There is a growing awareness and interest in what it means to be a regenerative leader.
Simultaneously, there is a significant and increasing number of leaders and organisations that are actively experimenting with implementing regenerative principles in their daily operations.
This education offers you the opportunity to join a movement where the understanding and practice of regeneration are rapidly expanding.
The program spans one year and culminates with a certification in regenerative leadership. This certification validates your understanding and skills in the exciting and forward-looking field of regeneration.
Promentum’s 1-year regenerative leadership program consists of a kickoff day, ten instructional days divided across nine modules and a concluding certification day. Additionally, participants engage in three group supervision sessions and three personal consultations with one of Promentum’s consultants.
Interested in learning more about regenerative leadership?
We have prepared an introduction to what regenerative leadership and regenerative organisations entail. You can find it here.
Additionally, you can listen to this episode of ‘Lyden af Promentum’ (The Sound of Promentum – Danish speaking), where Mikkel Flod Storgaard discusses regenerative leadership. You can also read this article on liberating leadership or explore this article on the key steps towards a regenerative organisation.
Note: This course is for danish-speaking participants
Dates for upcoming courses
Group 2, Copenhagen
Kickoff: August 21, 2024
Module 1: September 16-17, 2024 (residential)
Module 2: October 11, 2024
Module 3: November 11, 2024
Module 4: December 11, 2024
Module 5: January 13, 2025
Module 6: February 24, 2025
Module 7: March 25, 2025
Module 8: April 24, 2025
Module 9: May 19, 2025
Certification Day: June 20, 2025
Group 3, Aarhus
Kickoff: December 16, 2024
Module 1: January 23-24, 2025 (residential)
Module 2: February 27, 2025
Module 3: March 31, 2025
Module 4: April 30, 2025
Module 5: May 26, 2025
Module 6: June 26, 2025
Module 7: August 18, 2025
Module 8: September 19, 2025
Module 9: October 23, 2025
Certification Day: November 25, 2025
Kick off: The regenerative paradigm
The program begins with a kickoff, introducing participants to the regenerative paradigm.
Participants’ expectations and ideas are aligned with Promentum’s approaches.
What are we engaging in, how should it ideally develop and what should we all, both collectively and individually, prioritise?
Model 1: Regenerative organisational forms (2 days – residential)
Illusions and realities in leadership and organisation.
The organisational structures and leadership logics of the industrial era are no longer adequate to address the complex challenges of our time.
How can regenerative organisations emerge as we seek to achieve a more balanced future?
This requires, among other considerations:
- Prioritising life as a central principle, understood through interaction and exchange.
- Developing the capacity to navigate complexity in effective ways.
- Investigating how regenerative principles and logics can be translated into organisational frameworks.
Module 2: Regenerative organisational development (1 day)
Organisational development in a regenerative organisation requires new approaches to thinking about planning, implementation and management with much needing to be unlearned.
A living and learning organisation requires leaders who can support the organisations movements openly, responsively and adaptively.
Various approaches and models for regenerative development and transformation will be explored.
Module 3: Life-Giving leadership (1 day)
Leadership in concrete terms—what does it mean to exercise leadership when favorable conditions for life become central?
This involves conceptualising the organisation as a flow of moments, where leadership entails not only positioning oneself appropriately within each moment, but also contributing to the creation of environments in which the flow of moments is as life-affirming as possible.
Module 4: Organisational nodes and breathing spaces (1 day)
Certainly! Here’s the translation into academic English:
The organisation’s capacity to foster knowledge sharing, well-being, inclusion, proximity, psychological safety and similar aspects depends on its nodes and breathing spaces.
How can you, as a leader, support these elements and when necessary, create new organisational nodes and breathing spaces?
Module 5: Professional liberation and co-Leadership (1 day)
How can employees’ professional and human potentials be redeemed through the liberation of expertise?
How can you, as a leader, support the professional and personal flow within a liberatingly professional organisation and how do you engage in self-leadership and co-leadership?
Module 6: Complexity as Interconnectedness (1 day)
Complexity means interconnection.
In this module, we take a very practical approach to complex challenges: how do you navigate the interconnectedness in meaningful ways without falling into the trap of oversimplification?
Module 7: Living dialogues (1 day)
How do you foster vibrant dialogues in everyday interactions? How does a regenerative conversation look like?
The day will be dedicated to practicing specific regenerative conversation techniques.
We will focus on the details of how conversations in a regenerative organisation should create conditions for life and enhance the collaborative culture.
Module 8: The regenerative leadership Star (1 day)
Through the tool “The regenerative leadership star,” one is directed in multiple concurrent directions: reflecting back on the process to create coherence, examining the present to gain overview and envisioning the future to articulate a personalised approach to regenerative leadership for each individual.
Module 9: Supporting the current movements of the team (1 day)
The module serves as a session for follow-up and consolidation.
Each team has its own movements. What actions do these movements most strongly suggest for us to undertake together on this day? The content of the day will be shaped according to themes and movements that have emerged throughout the training.
The certification assignment will be reviewed.
This will be followed by concluding and impactful final remarks from all participants.
Academic content of the education
On the course, you will receive a brief introduction to the regenerative leadership paradigm, gain a theoretical introduction of the concept of liberating leadership and learn specific methods and tools to practice regenerative liberating leadership in your daily work.
The course will cover the following themes:
- Introduction to regenerative leadership
- Fundamental principles and logics of the regenerative paradigm
- Life as interaction and exchange
- A living organization—open, reactive and adaptive structuring
- Flow and rhythm
- Rewilding
- Connectivity
- The balance between rewilding and connectivity
- Daily nodes and breathing spaces
- Re-learning as a method for recreating respites and establishing new life-giving daily practices
- Reconnecting your organisation—both internally and externally
- Roles and responsibilities in the regenerative organisation—and the new leadership role
- “Free from” versus “Free to”—shaping a “Free to” culture through your everyday communication
- How to professionally liberate your employees
- Designing alternative arenas for exercising personal leadership (following the loss of formal decision-making processes)
- Creating and supporting flow in professional and daily employee practices
- Moment-to-moment leadership—how to use touchpoints to foster interaction, exchange energy, and flow
- Life-giving dialogues—regenerative conversation practices
- Which leadership habits you need to abandon to become a liberating leader
- And much more.
The training program includes a total of six rounds of sparring and supervision interspersed between the modules.
There will be three rounds of individual sparring/coaching and three rounds of group supervision.
As a general approach, the individual sessions will focus on each participant’s personal professional sphere, while the group supervision will be centered on case studies
The entire program concludes with a certification. Each participant will develop a design based on a real case from their own organisational context and present the complete design, demonstrating a small part of it to a smaller group of peers and instructors, who will then provide feedback.