Case: Regenerative approach provided a greater focus on professionalism, professional development and the essential




In a municipal dental care service, there were high ambitions to work more strategically and closely. The focus was to be on professionalism, professional development and dignity. Process and project plans were developed to determine the sequence of initiatives. However, it was challenging to address one major issue at a time, as there were limited mental resources and attention energy available. Several models were developed, but it remained unsatisfactory, as if the correct sequence could never materialize. How did this unfold through a regenerative approach?

Solution via Regenerative Approach

Promentum’s solution was to assist employees through workshops, discussions and supervision to realize that there is no sequence; there is only “everything at once.” A regenerative approach was applied, where theory and practice to some extent coincided. This meant working on all themes simultaneously through workshops, discussions and supervision, with all agendas in motion at all times. Efforts were continuously reflected upon and adjusted based on the effects and significance of each area. Emphasis was also placed on incorporating different perspectives and working with those already present.


By working regeneratively according to the principle “everything at once,” it became possible to focus on the essential. Additionally, they began to spread experiments, awareness and adjusted actions in many directions, then gather them again to observe the impact. The regenerative approach, the method, enabled close and strategic work with an integrated focus on professionalism, professional development and dignity. This provided a deeper understanding and reflection on needs and priorities, leading to more integrated and appropriate development and growth within the dental care service.

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