The resonant life
On making existence crackle (again)
In this course, we will focus on the twelve spheres of resonance along the three axes of resonance with the aim of identifying and addressing them in relation to one’s own life, leadership, dialogical practice and therapeutic approaches. In other words, we will also examine aspects such as acceleration, alienation, silence and denial, among others.
We will accomplish this through three steps corresponding to the three modules of the course:
Note: This course is for danish-speaking participants
Module 1 (Days 1-2): WHAT IS THE PROBLEM?
On these days, we will explore Rosa’s theoretical affiliations, including significant thinkers such as Marcuse, Fromm, Adorno & Horkheimer, Habermas and Honneth (his advisor) and thereby the themes that Rosa has developed through critical sociology at the Frankfurt School. We will also elucidate how concepts such as ‘acceleration’ and ‘alienation’ from “Fremmedgørelse og acceleration” 2013/2014 (Alienation and Acceleration”) are relevant, not only for Rosa, but especially for the participants in relation to their own (work) life, among other aspects.
Module 2 (Days 3-4): WHAT IS THE POTENTIAL?
On these days, we will delve into Rosa’s extensive work “Resonans” (Resonance) 2016/2021 – over 550 pages and highlight several key points from it, particularly regarding the concept of resonance. We will connect these insights with a range of practice-oriented exercises relevant to the participants’ everyday experiences. We will explore, among other things, resonance blockages, resonance simulations and resonance abilities, and investigate the conditions necessary for resonance events and moments to occur, as well as what supports or impedes the establishment of resonance spaces.
Module 3 (Days 5-6): WHAT IS THE PERSPECTIVE?
On these days, we will base our exploration on Rosa’s three shorter works: “Resonanspædagogik. Når det knitrer I klasseværelset” 2016/2017, (Resonance Pedagogy. When it cracks in the classroom) “Det ukontrollerbare” 2018/2020 (The uncontrollable) and “Demokrati har brug for religion” (Democracy needs religion) 2022/2023. This approach aims to concretise the theory of resonance in relation to specific contexts relevant to the participants. Finally, we will incorporate key points from the relationship between Rosa and Reckwitz as discussed in “ Senmorderniteten i krise” 2021/2022 (The crisis of late modernity) to develop practice-oriented perspectives.