The regenerative existence
– with continual regard to Søren Kierkegaard
This 3-day course explores the themes and ideas that Søren Kierkegaard develops in his aesthetic writings with the aim of living a regenerative existence. The course is divided into three parts corresponding to the three days:
Day 1: BLIKSTILLE – vi vandrer I Gilleleje området (BLAZING STILLNESS – We will walk in the Gilleleje area)
Here, we will focus specifically on “Begrebets Ironi” (The Concept of Irony) 1841, “Enten eller” (Either or) 1843 and “Frygt og Bæven” (Fear and Trembling) 1843 to further clarify how practiced irony as a life companion (‘humana vita’) in its various expressions and as a form of life art can interplay with aesthetic and ethical world views. This includes examining passion, paradox and the moment where the demonic is liberated.
Day 2: TÅGESLÅR – vi vandrer I København (MISTY VEILS – We will walk in Copenhagen)
In this session, we will focus specifically on “Philosophiske Smuler” (Philosophical fragments) 1844, “Begrebet Angest” (The concept of Anguish) 1844 and “Afsluttende uvidenskabelige Efterskrift” (Concluding unscientific postscript) 1846. With the aim of further clarifying how an existential movement can activate a rebirth as a unique event or leap, which can align with confronting anxiety and experiening the vertiginous sense of forgiveness. This includes exploring the “turning point,” “infinite interest” and the seriousness of inwardness, where existence is transformed
Day 3: DUNKELHED – vi vandrer I Promentum (GLOOM – We will walk in Promentum)
On this day, we will focus specifically on “Kjaerlighedens Gjerninger” (Works of Love) 1847, “Sygdommen til døden” (The sickness unto death) 1849 and Adorno’s essay on Kierkegaard: “Konstruktion af det æstiske” (The construction of the aesthetic) 1931. With the aim to clarify how “Synets etik” deception, healing and courage can interplay with: To help the other to stand in themselves. This includes despair, self-loss, silence and introversion as paths to self-awareness and living one’s own unique life.
Note: This course is for danish-speaking participants