Practical philosophy in leadership and work life
4-Day leadership philosophical masterclasses with Ole Fogh Kirkeby & Kim Gørtz

In these masterclasses on practical philosophy in leadership and work life, you are invited on a journey through the leadership-oriented and practical writings of Dr. Phil., Professor Emeritus Ole Fogh Kirkeby. Together with Kim Gørtz, he explores a range of central themes in late-modern leadership and work culture, drawing from 12 of his books.
This series of masterclasses is structured to maintain a dynamic balance between inputs, dialogue and exercises. Participants will be inspired to adopt key insights and methods relevant to their own (leadership) practice and personal life.
Note: These masterclasses on Practical philosophy in leadership and work life are offered on a recurring basis. Once a masterclass has been held, it will be repeated approximately 4 months later.
Interested in more from Ole and Kim? Listen to their podcast series (danish speaking) “Habitus Raptus” here!
Note: This course is for danish-speaking participants
Masterclass: Leaders - and organisational philosophy
About loyalty, virtues and forms of self-awareness
In this masterclass, we will draw on Kirkeby’s three books: “Ledelsesfilosfi” (Leadership philosophy)1998 , “Organisationsfilosofi” (Organisational philosophy) 2001 and “Loyalitet – udfordringen til ledelse og medarbejdere” (Loyalty – the challenge for leadership and employees) 2002. We will explore how leadership theory can (re)discover its own autonomy by transforming and enriching organisations and institutions, as well as realising the leader and co-led as human beings. We will focus on “the new responsibility”, the “authenticity” of leadership and the sense of “the right moment.” Additionally, we will delve into self-awareness and transformation, guiding organisations to “find their own path to themselves.” This involves exploring the ethos of community through the passion of loyalty, which can unite freedom and responsibility.
Masterclass: The new leadership
About event, ability to act and humanity
In this masterclass, we will draw on Kirkeby’s three books: #Det nye lederskab” (The new leadership) 2004, “Begivenhedsledelse og handlekraft” (Event management and ability to act) 2006, and “Menneske & leder. Bliv den du er” (Human & leader: become who you are) 2007, co-authored with Paula Helth. We will explore what it means that “the leader must be the foremost humanist among humanists,” examining the nature of leadership and linking it to the sense of events, ability to act and the question: “What must a leader do to truly become a leader in name and in practice?” We will work on developing presence, (self-)narratives and creativity in leadership, as well as focusing on presence, dialogue, power and integrity when a leader must “be human first.” The aim is to explore how one can seize the power to live in leadership and to cultivate the will and ability to lead anew.
Masterclass: The free organisation
About Welfare, resilience and generosity
In this masterclass, we will draw on Kirkeby’s three books: “Den frie organisation” (The free organisation), “Om velfærd. Det godes politik” (On Welfare: The Politics of the Good) 2011 and “Robusthed, skrøbelighed og det generøse lederskab” (Resilience, fragility and generous leadership) 2017. We will examine the balance between passion and magnanimity, between self-control and equitable interaction and how a leader should engage with “the good” in a world where evil and selfishness prevail: What does it mean to be resilient in a work context? We will explore issues such as meaning, significance and integrity, the individual’s will to goodness and the importance of avoiding the fatal resilience that dominates business leadership and societal life. Additionally, we will address the problem of evil and the nature of values. The focus will be on exploring generosity in leadership—particularly its fragility.
Masterclass: Protreptic
On self-insight, leadership and conversational practice
In this masterclass, we will draw on Kirkeby’s three books: “Proptreptik: Filosofisk coaching I ledelse” (Protreptic: Philosophical coaching in leadership) 2008 et al. “The New Protreptic: The concept and the art” (2009) and “Protreptik. Selvindsigt og samtalepraksis” (Protreptic: Self-insight and conversational practice) 2016. We will explore how protreptic techniques, as a leadership concept and dialogue tool, can develop the leadership role, implement organisational values and teach others to lead. We will work on the role of language, the structure and metaphorics of the self and the significance of wisdom, self-preservation drives, as well as the principles of “Den græske firkant” (the Greek square) and ”Translokutionaritetens” (translocutionarity) princip. The focus will be on exploring key elements of the protreptic conversation—particularly the art of questioning.
Relevant dates
The new leadership: October 26, from 9 AM to 4 PM
The free organisation: November 27, from 9 AM to 4 PM
Protreptic: December 8, from 9 AM to 4 PM
Leadership and organisational philosophy: January 30, 2024, from 9 AM to 4 PM