Introduction to regenerative leadership in practice

A liberating approach to leadership and organisation

Try to answer five simple questions:

  1. Have you ever felt that you spent time in unnecessary or boring meetings?
  2. Have you ever experienced a project in your organisation that did not make sense to you?
  3. Have you ever doubted whether you are getting the best out of your team?
  4. Have colleagues or members of your team been on sick leave due to stress?
  5. Have you ever thought that there must be alternative ways to run a business and manage, but were unsure how to start?

We have spoken with many leaders, and none have been able to answer ‘no’ to all of these questions. Unfortunately, a significant number have answered ‘yes’ to each of them.

There is a reason for this!

During the industrial era, we learned to clock in and out. We created hierarchies, systems and structures. And once we were done, we created more. We optimised machines and assembly lines with the goal of producing more and faster. This was a world based on mechanical production with machines at the core. And that’s how we kept going. It became embedded as the foundation for running businesses and organisations. Optimisation, efficiency and more…

We established new companies and organisations, but while technological advancements moved people from the assembly line to desks, we forgot that the production apparatus was no longer machines, but people.

As a result, we now struggle with layers of structures, hierarchies and systems not designed for people. Leaders can only be as effective as the old systems allow them to be.

The outcome is poor well-being, stress and pseudo-work. We miss the opportunity to unlock the great potential within our colleagues and employees.

But there is an alternative—or perhaps several…

Future leaders can liberate their employees and, through this, create flow, vitality and well-being

In collaboration with our clients and partners, Promentum has focused on developing new organisational and leadership models. The central aim is to address current knowledge complexity and support employee well-being and engagement.

Our experiences with this work have given us confidence that future organisations will be able to liberate and harness the diverse expertise of their employees, thereby creating flow, vitality and well-being in the daily life of the organisation.

Regenerative leadership in practice is a synthesis of our experiences with leadership development in organisations where we have worked to create more regenerative and liberating organisational forms.

Note: This course is for danish-speaking participants

This course offers you the opportunity to take the first steps toward developing your skills as a liberating leader. The program spans 2 days, during which you will engage with key themes and methods in liberating leadership.

The course is targeted at leaders who wish to be introduced to liberating leadership and seek concrete tools to help liberate their employees in their daily work.

In the course, you will be introduced to regenerative thinking in the context of leadership and organisational transformation. You will be presented with the key concepts and have the opportunity to experiment with liberating practices.

We will discuss, among other things, how you can:

  • Rewild, hack and create liberating practices
  • See larger connections and foster connectivity
  • Embrace complexity by freeing professionalism

Additionally, you will gain slime mold, breathing spaces and key focal points.

After the course, you will understand key elements of the regenerative leadership paradigm and have insight into the concept of liberating leadership, both theoretically and practically. You will also have learned concrete methods for practicing liberating leadership.

The course is designed to be as practice-oriented as possible, and throughout the exploration of all themes and methods, we focus on ensuring that you can go directly back to your organisation and start working on liberating your employees.

Team 7: May 6-7, 2024

Team 8: September 2-3, 2024

Team 9: November 4-5, 2024

Team 10: January 9-10, 2025

Hold 8

02. September 2024

Hold 9

04. November 2024

Hold 10

09. January 2025

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Introduction to regenerative leadership in practice

A liberating approach to leadership and organisation