Co-leading facilitation practices

For the liberating leader (or) organisation

  • How can you liberate your employees without creating chaos?
  • Are you concerned about how to ensure progress in decision-making when the team is co-leading?
  • Do you worry about the potential risk of fragmentation?
  • And how do you foster psychological safety within the new frameworks?

An increasing number of leaders and organisations are turning to regenerative ideas with the goal of unlocking potential and creating optimal conditions for a fulfilling work environment.

However, for many, this approach remains more ideological than practical every day.

The paradox is that creating freedom requires a certain level of structure and altering ingrained habits necessitates new, deliberate practices. Therefore, Promentum now offers a two-day training in co-leading practices and methods. This program is designed for leaders who wish to adopt a regenerative mindset towards liberating leadership.

Co-leadership does not necessarily mean making yourself as a leader redundant. When we draw on co-leading practices in a regenerative context, it is because we recognise the need to replace often invisible power structures with new liberating structures to succeed in creating a regenerative organisation. In future organisations, leaders must create spaces for individual potential and professional expertise through sensitive facilitation of the team’s purpose, connectedness, free flow and professional expertise. Hence, co-leading facilitation practices are essential.

Learning to balance between chaos and consensus

The first step towards liberating your team or organisation is to ensure that new tasks and increased responsibilities are accompanied by genuine decision-making authority. There is nothing more demotivating for an employee than being given exciting responsibilities, only to discover that decision-making authority was not included. In this course, you will learn methods to prevent anarchy and chaos in task execution when you delegate decision-making authority.

The second step is ensuring appropriate progress. Delegating decision-making authority does not mean that everyone with an opinion necessarily needs to be involved. You will learn to create momentum through a facilitative practice that supports relevant knowledge sharing while ensuring that decisions are made without protracted consensus debates.

The purpose of the course

In “Co-leading facilitation practices,” you will delve into the core of liberating organisational practices. Together we will train and enhance skills in facilitating knowledge and decisions, as well as creating the necessary psychological safety to ensure that all participants feel included and are willing to contribute their perspectives.

Target audience

This course is designed for leaders across various disciplines and industries. It is targeted at those who are ready to actively liberate their employees’ professional expertise through co-leading practices. These practices can be applied whether to the entire organisation or just a single team seeking a liberating approach. If you are a cohesive leadership group, we recommend a customised two-day program.

Course content

In “Co-leading facilitation practices,” we focus on facilitation training and use the days to address concrete practices relevant to your daily role as a leader. After a brief introduction to the relationship between co-leading practices and regenerative principles, we will specifically train your abilities to facilitate practices such as:

  • Defining domains and mandates
  • Distributing roles and responsibilities
  • Making decisions through inclusion and acceptance
  • The impact of silence

Your outcome

  • After completing the course, you will be familiar with and able to employ the best tools of facilitative leadership. You will be capable of holding space, creating meaningful insights, managing verbal contributions and providing calm for thoughtful processes.
  •  You will be equipped to facilitate key processes for a co-leading team and connect to the regenerative perspective with an understanding of flow and sustainable workflows.
  • You will take home essential frameworks to maintain the new practices effectively, even when habits and preferences for the ‘old ways’ may resurface within the team.

Note: This course is for danish-speaking participants

Næste hold

20. June 2024

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Co-leading facilitation practices