Liberate your organisation



And you will experience an explosion of life and energy

Our traditional organisations are designed to control and manage organisational life. But life cannot be controlled and managed in that way – it just dies.

Thus, we have created degenerative organisations. Dead organisations that are unhealthy to inhabit. And it is crucial that we find new and more vibrant organisational forms.

You can only make your organisation come alive by setting it free – by letting go of control and removing limitations.

And if you want to liberate your organisation, my suggestion is that you focus on the following:

Create a higher and meaningful organisational purpose

You must understand your organisation’s unique contribution to being life-giving in the world – and ensure that your organisation rallies around this purpose.

Re-wild your organisation

You should remove all structures and systems that aim to control, simplify, limit, systematize, etc. – If you find that they restrict the organisational flow, both professional and human.

Liberate professionalism

You should liberate professionalism in your organisation. Fundamentally, you do this by letting those with professional expertise make the professional decisions.

Create organisational connectedness

Life is defined by interaction and exchange. You should reconnect your organisation so that you support interaction and exchange to the fullest extent. Create the necessary manifold connections required to foster professional flow internally within the organisation. Similarly, reconnect the organisation to its surroundings and to the external ecosystems it engages with.

Support organisational life

You should lead in a new way, letting go of control and instead using your leadership focus to support the organisation’s energy, life and movements.

Good luck in revitalizing life in your organisation.

Vores organisationer, arbejdsliv og ledelseskultur ændrer sig markant i disse år. Det har stor indflydelse på, hvad der skal til, for at lederne lykkes i
En gruppe forretningsfolk, der engagerer sig i organisationsudviklingsaktiviteter, mens de samarbejder.
The learning points are as follows: Read more about the individual learning points below. 1. GIVE THE ORGANISATION MEANING AND DIRECTION The first learning point
Som leder i Promentum, har jeg, i de 10-12 år vi har eksisteret, forsøgt at skabe en frisættende kultur. Målet er en organisation, hvor den
En tegneserie af en gruppe mennesker der frisættes med saks.